All You Need to Know About Citric Acid Passivation

The process of Citric Acid Passivation is based on the state of the art technology using environmentally friendly and safe citric acid to remove free iron from the surface of stainless steel. Stainless steel is composed of a mixture of metals, mainly chromium, iron, nickel and in some cases manganese and molybdenum alongside other materials in some quantities. It is this distinctive mixture that allows the exclusive characteristics of corrosion resistance by developing an outer protective passive oxide layer. The surfaces of stainless steel can be made tremendously resistant to corrosion if they are properly passivated and cleaned before use. Even when it is 300 series austenitic stainless steel, once the corrosion site has started, it will only become worse, being continuous and self-catalyzing. In an environment that is highly corrosive, the growth of the corrosion site will increase rapidly. Thus, passivation and cleaning of services before use is crucial to attaining maximum ...